Developing a Thick Skin Takes Patience

Thick skin will get you out of hard situations

🫡 Thick skin will get you out of hard situations

In the early 1900s, Italian immigrants arrived in America, greeted not by streets paved with gold, but by stark adversity. They faced dense urban squalor, grueling labor, and pervasive discrimination. Navigating this rough terrain, they coined the phrase, "Pelle dura," meaning "thick skin," to encapsulate their newfound resilience.

This toughness became their shield, allowing them to persevere and even start new “Mafias” that ruled the New York in a certain era. Their legacy remains a testament to the power of grit in the face of life’s harsh realities.

Thick skin really matters because it's like your personal armor in tough times. Imagine this: even if you have loads of money, it can't always fix a broken relationship, help you deal with a mean boss, or stop people from saying hurtful things. That's where having thick skin comes in. It helps you not take things too personally and lets you bounce back quicker from setbacks. It's all about staying strong and not giving a f*** about the rough patches. When you don't sweat the small stuff, or even some of the big stuff, you keep moving forward no matter what life throws at you. It's a superpower that money just can't buy.

Developing thick skin is like building a muscle; it takes time and a few strategies. First, try not to take things too personally. Remember, most people's reactions are about them, not you. When someone snaps at you, it might just be that they had a bad day. Next, keep things in perspective. Ask yourself, “Will this matter in a year or five years?” If the answer is no, let it roll off your back. Also, get rid of the people not those who bring you down, their opinion does not matter. They’re just hurdles in your way to develop a thick skin mentality.

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