You Can Respawn Multiple Times 😌

Exit the Cool Boyz Club

 Maybe Take a Break?

Too many people are trying to be busy by filling up their calendars 📅 while what they should be doing is taking a step back, doing nothing for a few weeks, reevaluating if on the right path then continuing. 

Too many people want to wake up and do 30 pushups, journal a page, make their bed, do a grateful routine, take a cold shower 🚿, workout again for an hour, write down what they appreciate in life, pet a dog 🐶, get done with “meetings”, and then take anti-anxiety pills or $100/hour therapy sessions.  

These people need to exit the “Cool Boyz Club”.

🤔 WTF is going on here?

I think most people need to go offline for a few weeks, maybe go to a mountainous country for a few months, ride a horse 🐎, live on a farm, be out in the sun ☀️ more, hike a mountain 🏔️, eat less processed foods and let go of baggage. 🧳 

In 2022, I shifted from US-remote to fully remote 10,000 miles away from Chicago to a country I’d never thought of visiting 🇮🇩 . In 2023 I went off-grid for the first time in a long time, within Romania 🇷🇴, without my laptop and wifi access. Here’s my meal for the day in 2023 in Brasov, Romania at Stâna Turistică Sergiana - Poiana after hiking the Carpathian mountains for a good few hours with a 70lbs backpack. Below are fresh pork ribs from livestock they raise behind the restaurant, freshly baked bread, potatoes harvested from their farms, and a liter of fresh apple juice.


Here’s the post on X going a bit more into detail:

When I came back online, I wanted to smash the 16-inch Macbook with the same bone from the pork rib. I knew that from now on, I had to give myself breathing room to do this more often.

Iif I was to describe this experience I’d use this gif. Borat’s way of saying “Very Nice” just sticks with me. Probably because during the off-grid periods I gave zero fucks about what went on in the online or work world. Everything in those weeks was just Very Nice

Thats Nice GIF


This reel made me ROFL 🤣