Execute On That Idea

Ideation =! Execution

🤔 Ideation =! Execution

I write every post on my phone. In the basic apple notes app, transfer it to the duplicated template in Beehiiv 🐝, and add the new links to this week’s cool stuff I came across on the internet. I try to make sure it’s a total of 15-20 min per post.

I’m starting off this newsletter with this explanation to showcase the simplicity of execution. I often tell my friends if you’re waiting for a Notion template you probably don’t need it anyway. Not that I have anything against Notion, (I personally think it’s a great tool) but the doers will do something regardless of the latest organization tool needed to articulate a plan to do “X”.

There’s too many Notion templates floating around whereas most individuals would be fine with a simple Google Sheet or Notes 🗒️.

Now onto the planners platter, the usual cycle of a planner is:

Get excited about an idea -> do some digging on the web -> grab a notion template -> make 20 pages outlining the concept -> take a break -> lose momentum -> no execution

Whereas what should take place:

Get excited about an idea -> do some digging on the web -> throw it on a proof of concept (POC) V1 -> get feedback -> reiterate and improve POC -> get feedback -> continue improving or switch directions if not working out

Switch directions = I think it makes sense to be consistent for at least 6 months to a year depending on the scale of the idea before switching.

I’ve seen more planners than doers in real life, but if you want to see the real doers in action, check out someone like @levels.io a known indiehacker who shipped 12 products in 12 months. Few more that fall into the realm of doers and successful I follow on X: @dannypostma, @nico

🧑‍💻This Week’s Browser History

  1. GummySearch: This is a super cool tool that aggregates reddit data and showcases it according to topics, hot takes etc

  2. YoungMoney: Came across this cool newsletter and if you’re reading this, you’re going to find it interesting too

  3. Travel Reel 1: This is a super cool luxurious train ride for 8 hours within Vietnam

  4. Funny Reel 1: Hilarious shit

⛰️ Mountain Retreat

Starting a section where I send some cool AI images of mountain retreats or forest cabins I imagine spending time at.