Should you really take that advice?

Domain of Competence Matters

🤔 Should you take that advice?

I’ve understood defacto that humans love giving advice. Whether being asked for it or not usually does not make a difference to the person who gives it.

I think it should. It should matter a lot, and one should also tread carefully on if the advice they incorporate stems from a “domain of competence” the other person is knowledgeable in. Notice that I mention knowledgeable and not “speculative”🤨 .  This is because 65-70% of the advice that I come across ranging from friends to licensed professionals (doctors, nutritionists, accountants etc) seems to be either speculative or tailored to affect a very specific part of someone’s life without taking into consideration how it might affect the rest of the parts and ultimately as a whole.

Maybe this example makes more sense:

A personal trainer is going to give you great advice on what to lift, how to lift, correct your form, etc. Due to their nature of work, they would also have a great understanding of nutrition and diet, but not necessarily the best one for you. It’s probably best to consider going to a nutritionist or experimenting on a granular scale with what works best for you. Similarly, a nutritionist or the online blog that told you the 10 best sources of protein might not know (including yourself) of any potential gut problems that your body could incur with the provided diet. So consider doing several gut tests and tailoring the diet bottom up to fit what would work for your goal top down.

Another great example is, asking $$$ advice or career advice. Maybe I stress this topic since a lot of it stems from my interactions with people from Asian and South American cultures. Every second person you talk to once you earn a few dollars is set on providing you advice on where to invest it, save it, or how to make it grow. Even after considering they’ve lived to see more market crashes, I wouldn’t trade taking advice from someone who is already in the position I want to be in with advice from someone just because they’re a good friend or a close family member. What differentiates both sides? Domain of competence.


🛠️ This Week’s Browser History

  1. Traba: Marketplace leveraging scale and automation to connect light industrial workers with flexible shifts

  2. Fay: Help people eat better, live better: building the future of food

  3. Metronome: Launch products faster, offer any pricing model, and streamline finance workflows