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Asymmetrical Rewards: Maximizing Gains with Minimal Risks

📈 Opportunities with infinite upside & minimal downside

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📈 Asymmetrical Rewards: Maximum Gains & Minimal Risks

Asymmetrical rewards are like Call Options, the upside potential is enormous, while the downside is limited to the initial premium you pay. Life has these. You’ve just gotta keep your eye open and be consistent.

If you haven’t already, I recommend reading one of my previous emails before this one titled “Advice to my 21 year old self”. This article is more of a reminder to anyone in their 20s to maximize these opportunities to the fullest to have a better stab at the game of life.

I've always been fascinated by Options Trading. I’ve been trading options actively a few times a month for the past year, mainly “Call” options.

Throughout my life, I've encountered various opportunities that mirror this asymmetrical balance, where the potential gains far outweigh the potential losses.

I’ll divide these up into 3 categories: Health, Wealth, Career.


  1. Regular Physical Activity: Incorporating physical activity into your daily routine can lead to a longer, healthier life. The investment is time and effort, but the rewards include improved physical and mental health.

  2. Healthy Diet: I won’t preach for vegan/keto/carnivore or any specific type of diet. What works for you in keeping you healthy and maybe even jacked can only be determined by you. The downside is minimal compared to the long-term health benefits.


  1. Index Funds: Historically index funds have averaged better returns Year over Year (YoY) than an avg joe that actively trades. The SPY has performed better YoY even after taking hits during incidents like the 2008 crisis, COVID etc, and has rebounded 

  2. High-Interest Savings Accounts: Keeping money in HYSAs or certificates of deposit (CDs) offers lower risk and with the current offers I believe upto 5% APY.


  1. Networking and Building Relationships: Expanding your network can lead to unexpected opportunities, collaborations, and partnerships. The downside is minimal as building connections often only requires time and effort.

  2. Acquiring New Skills or Education: Learning high-demand skills (e.g., programming, data analysis, digital marketing) can significantly enhance career prospects. The investment in education is relatively low compared to potential earnings.

  3. Building A Brand in Your Domain Of Competence:

    I’ve found that establishing a brand through online writing in my area of expertise has significantly enhanced my career. By consistently providing valuable content, maybe its through writing/creating videos/guides or building micro-saas tools, there’s a really good gap in the industry to build a brand for credibility and perhaps even a FT career.

In conclusion, the beauty of these opportunities lies in their asymmetrical nature. They take a moderate amount of time, effort, and persistence rather than a large amount of money.

You don't have to pursue all of them, but the more you incorporate into your life, the better you become at navigating and succeeding in the game of life.

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