Action Beats Anxiety Every time


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 🤺 Action Beats Anxiety Every time

Think back to a time when you avoided something important. Maybe it was a project at work, a difficult conversation, or even just a household chore. Initially, putting it off might have felt like a relief, but soon, the anxiety of not addressing it started to build. The more you thought about it, the more daunting it became. This anxiety, if left unchecked, can evolve into fear—a fear of failure, of confrontation, or the unknown.

“Inaction births anxiety, anxiety births fear”

The longer we wait to tackle our responsibilities, the more anxiety we feel. And as anxiety grows, it often turns into fear, making even the simplest tasks seem insurmountable.

Understanding this chain reaction is crucial. It shows us that the key to breaking the cycle is to take action, no matter how small. By addressing tasks head-on, there’s a good chance you prevent anxiety from taking root and stop fear from gaining a foothold in life.

Real-Life Examples:

🫠 Avoiding Difficult Conversations

In daily life, avoiding difficult conversations can lead to anxiety and fear. For instance, if you have an unresolved conflict with a close friend, ignoring it might seem easier in the short term. However, as time passes, the unresolved issue can create anxiety about the state of your friendship.

By not addressing the issue, you allow anxiety and fear to grow, potentially causing more harm to the relationship than the original conflict itself.

💼 Delaying Career Decisions

Career decisions often come with a lot of pressure, and it can be tempting to put them off. Whether it's applying for a new job, asking for a promotion, or even deciding on a career path, inaction can lead to significant anxiety.

The more you delay, the more you might worry about missed opportunities, the competitiveness of the job market, or your future career prospects. This anxiety can grow into fear—fear of being stuck in an unfulfilling job, fear of rejection, and fear of making the wrong choice.


The stories we tell ourselves about the consequences of inaction can often be more terrifying than the reality. Whether it's tackling a project head-on, initiating a tough conversation, or taking charge of our health, action is the key to overcoming anxiety and preventing fear from taking hold. I think even the smallest step forward can make a significant difference in regaining control and peace of mind.

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